Content & Branding
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Looking for tools and templates related to content marketing, copywriting, marketing psychology, branding, blogging and more? Find all the resources you need in one place.
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind*
Al Ries, Jack Trout
This book describes a unique approach to creating a "position" in your audience's minds that reflect's your brand's own strengths and weaknesses. You'll find it to be fairly fast-paced, witty and full of useful information.
*Affiliate link
Customer Segmentation & Targeting
Digital Marketing Institute
This article digs deeper into understanding your audience, the uses of a buyer persona (aka customer avatar or client profile) and how segmenting your audience can help to strengthen your marketing strategies.
Chelsea Balwdin
As a copywriter for more than 10 years, Chelsea really knows what she's talking about. You'll find a ton of useful information on her blog.
Dan Ariely
This book talks about the emotional, yet predictable, reasons behind our buying decisions. It's surprisingly entertaining and will help you to truly understand your audience. *Affiliate link
Color Psychology in Marketing & Branding
Help Scout
Color psychology in marketing and branding can be really interesting, and a bit controversial. This article will give you some context as to why that is.
Looking for some color inspiration or working on your DIY brand manual? This is the tool for you.
This website has font pairing recommendations using all free Google fonts. It's a great place to go for some inspiration.
Crazy Egg
People will have certain feelings and responses to your font choices, just like they will to your color choices. This article will help you understand why.
Free Font Download
There's no need to confine yourself to the fonts that come standard on your computer. Google Fonts has a huge library available for download - all free.
Jim Edwards
Copywriting is selling, and this book will show you how to write with that goal in mind. It'll help you take your marketing to the next level. *Affiliate link